Integrated Data Server

The Integrated Data Server (IDS) is a "plug-and-play" network storage server that provides cost-effective storage management, archival, and retrieval services. The IDS includes both hardware and software. The hardware consists of a high-performance Sun SPARCserver with greatly expandable peripheral connectivity that can be configured with magnetic cache, disk arrays, optical and tape autochangers, delivered in an attractive, well-ventilated cabinet requiring about seven square feet (.6 square meters) of floor space. The Storage and Archive Manager File System (SAM-FS) software provides robust, high-performance Heirarchical Storage Management (HSM) and archiving services.

The IDS can be configured to meet the specific requirements of the customer, and includes integration and testing of all equipment to insure a plug-and-play installation. Peripheral support includes many SCSI disk, tape, WORM optical and rewritable optical devices.

The IDS is a high-performance NFS storage server that can manage the storage of heterogeneous systems on the network, including Sun, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Digital, SGI, Cray and others.

The IDS was designed with these primary objectives in mind:

  • Provide central control of stored network data
  • Reduce storage costs
  • Provide direct access to large amounts of storage regardless of location
  • Ensure data integrity and retention
  • Enable users to expand storage capacity quickly and cost-effectively
  • Protect stored data from natural and human disasters
  • Reduce and simplify backup
  • Simplify data administration

    The IDS Architecture

    The IDS hardware includes a Sun SPARCserver with up to 24 SBus slots and power distribution in a chassis. It can be configured with hard disk drives and / or disk arrays, optical autochangers and tape autochangers mounted in the same chassis. Additional external peripherals can be attached to provide increased capacity.

    Network Interfaces

    The IDS supports a number of network interfaces to provide broad connecitivity. All network interfaces are commercially-available boards. Should additional network capacity or performance be required, additional network boards can be added into the IDS. The IDS supports (individually or concurrently) the following network interfaces:

  • Ethernet
  • FastEthernet
  • FDDI
  • ATM
  • Fibre Channel
  • HiPPI

    Network Access

    The IDS is capable of supporting any standard TCP/IP-based access method. The selection of Solaris 2 as the host operating system insures complete compatibility and connectivity with enterprise network environments.

    The IDS offers the following standard network access methods:

  • NFS
  • FTP
  • Remote Procedure Calls (RPC)
  • rcp

    Peripheral Technology

    All peripheral devices within the IDS use a SCSI interface, either single-ended or differential. This allows new peripherals and new storage media to be easily supported as they become available. All that is required for new peripheral technology to be incorporated into the IDS is the addition of the device's "personality" characteristics into SAM-FS. No UNIX kernel modifications are required. The IDS supports the following types of peripherals:

  • Magnetic disk
  • Disk arrays
  • Cartridge tape (DLT, 3480/3490, VHS, 8mm)
  • WORM optical disk
  • Rewritable optical disk
  • Optical, tape and CD ROM robotics

    Scalability and Performance

    The IDS is capable of supporting a maximum of 24 SBus slots. Several hundred gigabytes of disk, tape and / or optical can be mounted in the IDS chassis. Near- and off-line devices can extend the "byte-addressable" capacity of the IDS to hundreds of terabytes.

    Large Storage Configurations.
    Solutions for Today - And Tomorrow.

    Whether you select an IDS Integrated Data Server or SAM-FS software, LSC provides you with the total data storage control your network needs. LSC solutions allow you to feel confident sharing data thoughout your organization, knowing that it is stored and protected in a cost-effective manner. Our commitment to industry standards and focus on storage management assure you that your investment in LSC will retain its value with the next generation of technologies - and beyond.

    For more information about how we can help you meet your network data storage needs, contact LSC at (612) 482-4535, or with email at

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    (C)1994, 1995, LSC, Inc. All rights reserved.
    Integrated Data Server (IDS), Storage and Archiving Manager (SAM-FS) are trademarks of LSC, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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